Your Indoor View of Outdoor Advertising!

What is it?
Every media of advertising channel needs some benchmark scoring system in order to rate their effectivity. How else would you manage an effective campaign if you have no clue of the effectiveness and reach of the channels used in the mix.
360-B has developed a unique and proprietory rating system that helps both agencies, media asset owners and advertisers to rate their assets.
In a country exceeding a population base of 160 million plus; advertisers require precise information to reach their target audience. Our proprietory metric system takes into consideration circulation, GIS/GPS mapping of position cordinates, survey responses, traffic movement, data modelling amongst 11 additional metrics to singularly identify which media assets meet the objects of any campaign and helps you plan the most effective campaign. Combining all these elements with the National Housing Survery result demographics ensures our system is not only world-class but also the key OOH Campaign Planning tool for any advertiser.
Join tomorrow's marketeers that rely on our data to position their brand far ahead of those who don't!

White Papers & Case Studies
The absence of strong & standardarized measurment system has led to a worldwide all time low contribution of ad-spend towards the OOH industry. In countries with substantially standarized measurement systems in place, OOH share of ad-spend has a significant share and continues to grow today.
Historically DEC (Daily Effective Circulation) has been the gold standard for OOH effectivity measurement; but this have changed. 360-Bs radical approach to authenticating OOH accountability has contributed significantly to the growth of OOH's share of the nation's ad-spend.

The future of OOH
The fragmented reality of the out-of-home universe has been one of the most detrimental factors behind it's rather slow growth. The industry from time to time relapses but until recently; authentication, geo-tagging, reach, traffic data were beyond the realm of possibilities to be integrated within a single system to provide a concrete effectivity measurement system.
360-B; with OOH ratings as it's flagship product continues to explore industry best practices and bring tranformational service offering to the industry in partnership with some of the best domain experts. Our aim; validate the industry, substantiate it's credentials and let it earn it's right share of the nationa ad-spend. On the flip-sde; bring to reality the finger crunching techniques that ensure objectives of a campaign spend in OOH segment is quantifiable, qualitative and most importantly give a brand what it deserves.
Empowering tomorrow's marketeers......