Why Become Royale
Certified Realtor?
M Royale Estates in addition to focusing on a completely new vision to blanket the real estate sector in bangladesh, is currently working on a certified realtor training module that will arm interested candidates with the right tools towards becoming a successfull real estate agent. Given the market fragmentation, an accountable & certified agent will add tremendous value to this sector. In addition to a basic in-depth 2 week-long crash course followed by an exam, RCCs will have regular access to new maerials and best practices that will help improve their efforts. With a significant and progressive comission structure, standard operating precedures and legal support, RCCs will add a new trend in the real estate sector of bangladesh. Last but not the least; create vast self-employed job opportunities.

Become a

Your future is in your hand
There’s never been a better opportunity to engage yourself in the fantastic world of real estate. Take finances in your control and learn something new everyday. To become a Certified Royale Realtor, please send your resume and objective to hr@unicom.com.bd and one of our specialist trainer will get in touch to schedule a meeting.
An Independent CRR works with multiple projects & developers. In order to establish yourself at the top of the list; be ready to make sound decisions regarding investing on marketing, may be a few banners or even a billboard for that manner to boost your sales! Work on the numbers; see if spending x amount out of your own pocket will help you earn x time 4. You are your boss, hence be proactive.
What is a Royale Certified Realtor?
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Build Your Own Client/Referral Portfolio.
The best way to build your portfolio is twofold: 1. start with your existing contacts, pr & network. 2. Leverage your existing network for referrals, build a database and repeat. Bigger your network, higher the chances of closing sales. You may also network with other realtors by willing to split the commission; thereby exponentially growing your reach. Also, asking your friends and family for referrals of people who are considering buying or selling a home is a great way to begin networking. Someone's always looking for a new home, and that referral may get you started in your new business.

God Bless!
Becoming a Certified Royale Realtor is very similar to starting a small business. Even though you'll work with multiple developers, you need a plan and set your own goals. Developers have multiple agents, but as a Certified Royale Realtor you want to stand out and be the best. Take every step seriously, and you'll have your first deal in as less as 2-3 months!
God Bless!